Clean Work Spaces
Still Air Boxes, Gloveboxes, Fan Hood and Laminar Flow Hoods
These are tools we use to make a clean work environment by minimizing possible contamination points from Spores, Bacteria, and Viruses floating in the air. The principle behind these tools are that turbulence or disturb air poses possible contamination hence laminar (Steady/Constant) flow and Still (No current) Air Boxes minimize turbulent (Random/Mixing) flow. With out further ado, lets dive into these Tools!
Still Air Box
A Still Air Box or “SAB” surprisingly works on the principle of “still” or “calm” air. When using a SAB it doesn’t need to be sanitized or sterilized. Since the SAB is open to atmosphere/open air it can not be sterilized, since the air we breath is naturally contains micro-organisms.
The principle operation of a SAB is remove airborne particle velocity therefore things should fall straight downwards due to gravity. By cleverly working in a SAB and never moving any non-sterile object over the top of sterile things we can achieve great success in our laboratory work. The SAB requires an organized work flow and all necessary material in the box prior to any clean work.
A still air box is a reasonable tool for a home cultivator. One can easily achieve pounds a week, pour hundreds of plates a month, and do dozens of jar inoculations a week with this simple tool. The construction of a SAB can be done either with a Tupperware or Cardboard Box and Saranwrap.
Glove Box
Similar to a SAB but it has attached rubber gloves. While using a Glove Box we may notice a "piston effect" when you move around creating more air currents. Since you cannot sterilize a Glove box you will have little to no success trying to attempt working like that. You can sanitize the inside of a Glove box but remember sanitizer does not kill everything and you will still be at risk. It is possible to sterilize the inside if the box is designed appropriately to handle heat (121C or UV).
A still air box doesn't have to be sanitized to work properly it works on design and physics. One way around this is some people add a CPU Fan w/ HEPA Filter Combo.
Fan Hood
Very common tool found in most homes, utilizing the fume hood to conduct clean work is possible as debris and micro-organisms will be forced upwards, it is important to note your hand movements and work flow, interruption of the air stream will cause contamination.
Laminar Flow Hood
A Flow Hood utilizes a HEPA Rater Filter to generate a consistent steady stream or sterile air over your work space. The Laminar Flow Hood works by trapping and forcing away all micro-organisms in the air and allows us to work in a sterile environment. It is important to understand proper work flow when utilizing a Laminar Flow Hood.
To Purchase one: Laminar Flow Hood