King Trumpet/Oyster
(Pleurotus Eryngii)
The King Trumpet Mushroom is native to Mediterranean regions of Europe, the Middle East, and North Africa, is the largest species in the oyster mushroom genus. King Oysters are identified with a thick, meaty white stem and a small tan cap. When cooked it it develops rich umami flavor and a meaty texture.
Patience & Waiting Stage - Spawn Run/Colonization
1. Spawn Run (Colonization) – allow inoculated mushroom grow kit to incubate at room temperature. This will take 2 to 3 weeks. Move onto next stage once grow kit is dense and uniformly covered with white mycelium.
Observation Stage - Primordial/Pinhead Formation
2. Pinning (Initiate Mushroom Formation) – Drop Temperature, increase Relative Humidity. Watch for mycelium to form Pin like growths and small mushrooms. Move onto the next stage once mushrooms are visible. King Trumpet/Oyster Mushrooms love cooler temperatures, lower the temperature to 12 to 16°C and watch as the mycelium does all the magic.
Fig 1. “Lumpy” Primordial Growth - This is the beginning stages of Mushroom Development, open bag or cut a small X.
Action Stage - Fruiting
3. You have Four options when you decide to Fruit your Mushroom Grow Kit
a) Poke 1/8” holes in the Humidity Dome zone, 1” above the top and 1” between holes all the way around the package.
b) Cut small 1/4” X’s on any lumps or growths and side fruit the mushrooms. Refer to Fig 1.
c) Cut the Top of the bag by the Red Line and Roll down the bag similar to rolling down a bag of chips. Refer to Fig 2 & 4.
d) If you have a fruiting chamber you can remove the entire block and grow more mushrooms at once. Refer to Fig 4
Options b, c, d require a Fruiting Chamber and Proper Humidity Control.
*Save the Bag for later when you need to rehydrate your grow block.
Fig 2. Humidity Dome - Maintains necessary Humidity
Fig 3. Holes Placement in Humidity Dome.
Fig 4. Top Fruiting Mushrooms in Fruiting Chamber
4. Fruiting (Mushroom Formation) – Adjust Temperature +1 to 2°C and Relative Humidity +5%. Provide plenty of Fresh Air (Oxygen). First harvest of Mushrooms will occur within 1 week.
Renew/Flushing Stage - Crop Cycle
5. With clean water submerge the wooden block for 3 to 5 hours, weight it down if necessary. This will re-hydrate the wooden substrate material and provide the mycelium with much needed moisture. Place the mycelium block back into a clean bag and close off to simulate underground conditions, this will allow the mycelium time to regenerate. Watch for pin formation and carefully monitor for signs of contamination.
Refer to Grow Guide for more details.
Health Benefits:
King Oyster Mushrooms have shown to provide anti-inflammatory and cholesterol lowering properties.
Texture/Flavor: Meaty, Sweet, Woody, and Aromatic
Difficulty: Easy
Growing Conditions: 12-21°C, 70-90% humidity Nutrients: Anti-Oxidants, β-glucan/Fiber, Vitamin B, Copper, Potassium.
Common Uses: Pastas, Stir Fries, soups, or Sautéed