Pink Oyster
(Pleurotus Djamor)
Pink Oyster originating from the Tropics, prefers warmer temperatures and high humidity. They are thin and finely gilled with a shelf-like structure, layered in dense structures that often resemble roses. When raw, they have an intense and vibrant pink color that cooks down to a pleasant white. They are tender and slightly chewy despite their thin morphology, giving them a very pleasant meaty and fishy texture. Just like most mushrooms it is quite umami. When fried to crispy it resembles bacon or ham.
Patience & Waiting Stage - Spawn Run/Colonization
1. Spawn Run (Colonization) – allow inoculated mushroom grow kit to incubate at room temperature. This will take 2 to 3 weeks. Move onto next stage once grow kit is dense and uniformly covered with white mycelium.
Observation Stage - Primordial/Pinhead Formation
2. Pinning (Initiate Mushroom Formation) – Drop Temperature, increase Relative Humidity. Watch for mycelium to form Pin like growths and small mushrooms. Move onto the next stage once mushrooms are visible. The mycelium should start turning pinkish white, this is a good sign that you’re ready to progress to the next stage.
Action Stage - Fruiting
3. Cut small x or poke 1/8” holes in the side of the bag for mushrooms to grow through. Alternatively with the gusseted plastic bags simply cut off the top of the bag and gentle roll/fold the bag down to the top of the mushroom block.
4. Fruiting (Mushroom Formation) – Adjust Temperature and Relative Humidity. Provide plenty of Fresh Air (Oxygen). First harvest of Mushrooms will occur within 1 week.
Days 1-2 Pin Formation
Days 3 - 4 Growth
Days 5 - 6 Maturity
Days 7 - 8 Harvest and Eat
Yummy Stage - Harvest
5. The perfect time to harvest your Pink Oysters is when the mushroom cap is flat to slightly concaved, as shown by the blue arrows. Make sure to grab any little mushrooms that may have grown together along the stem. You can also harvest the mushrooms when they’re a good size before the cap flattens out, the earlier you harvest the more tender, soft and succulent Pink Oyster Mushrooms will be. The more mature mushrooms tend to have more woody, snap like bite.
Renew/Flushing Stage - Crop Cycle
6. With clean water submerge the wooden block for 3 to 5 hours, weight it down if necessary. This will re-hydrate the wooden substrate material and provide the mycelium with much needed moisture. Place the mycelium block back into a clean bag and close off to simulate underground conditions, this will allow the mycelium time to regenerate. Watch for pin formation and carefully monitor for signs of contamination.
Note: that it may not be necessary to refresh the block after the first harvest, keep an eye out for other groupings of mushrooms forming else were on the block. Best time to refresh/rehydrate the block is when there is no growths.
Refer to Grow Guide for more details.
Health Benefits:
Pink Oyster Mushrooms have shown to provide a source of antioxidants, promote blood sugar regulation (aiding in diabetes management), immune booster, anti-inflammatory, and promotes heart heath.
Texture/Flavor: Tender, succulent , sweet, woody, and Aromatic
Difficulty: Easy
Growing Conditions: 20 - 30°C, 85 - 90% humidity Nutrients: Anti-Oxidants, β-glucan/Fiber, Vitamin B, Copper, Potassium.
Common Uses: Pastas, Stir Fries, or Sautéed
Tip: Season with a bit of paprika to bring out a more meaty bacon/ham flavor.