“Breaking Down” the Mushroom Grow Kit and Ready-To-Fruit Kit.
The Mushroom Grow Kits integrate state of the art engineering and design by incorporating a Filter Patch and “Humidity Tent” or “Humidity Dome”.
Fig 1. Mushroom Grow Kit Bag W/ Filter Patch and Proprietary Humidity Dome.
Fig 2. Humidity Dome - Zone of High Humidity conducive for early Mushroom growth.
A lot of thought and engineering went into our design of our Kits by optimizing the Mushroom Growing process and minimizing waste. The kits are filled to specific levels to provide a “Zone” or “Space” producing the ultimate environment for mushroom growth. The Zone highlighted in green is often hovering around 90 to 100% Relative Humidity, combining this with traceable amounts of air exchange through the Filter Patch produces the perfect environment for early/baby mushrooms to grow. We like to encourage people to allow their Mushroom Kits to develop Pins/Primordial before opening or cutting open the bag, as shown below. By Poking small 1/8” holes about 1 inch apart along the green zone we slowly introduce much needed oxygen (fresh air) the mushrooms need to breath and develop into beautiful fruiting bodies.
Fig 3. Humidity Dome Hole Spacing and Placement. Poke holes around the bag 1” apart from each other and 1” above the mycelium.

By allowing the Mushroom Grow Kit to produce primordial or pins we can prevent contamination of the Mycelium from airborne containments. Once the “Baby” mushrooms take shape we can provide more Fresh Air by rolling the bag down like a bag of chips. Once we roll the bag down it is important to sprits/mist the mushrooms occasionally throughout the day (3 to 4 times) and during winter (4 to 8 times) due to dry winter air.