My-Cycling and The Carbon Cycle


How did we settle on the Term “My-Cycling” to define mushroom nutrient recovery? Well, it was a rather lengthy and difficult process, but we ultimately settled on “My-Cycling” because it involved Mycelium and the word “my” which is often defined as “belonging to or associated with”. It was a light bulb moment once we realized we wanted individuals to be a part of our technology and to be involved with our ambitious plans to combat Food Waste, Food Insecurity, and Climate Change.

Green House Gas Reduction

Targeting Pre-Consumer Food Waste we’re able to recover wasted nutrients that would’ve been sent to land fills or compost facilities, where methane, a Green House Gas 30x worse than CO2 are released. Mushrooms are a healthy source of nutrients for humans and similarly the spent mushroom soil a nutritious fertilizer for plants.

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Carbon Capture & Sequestration Technology

By providing a Home Grow Kit people can reduce their own Carbon Foot Print by reducing Food Waste and shortening their Food Chain. The plastic from our grow kits can be removed and recycled, while the spent mushroom grow kit (live mycelium) can be planted into the ground. The benefits of long-term carbon sequestration associated with soils can be part of our climate fightback. Understanding that boreal forests are scourged by fire as part of their natural life cycles, it has been found that the carbon doesn’t just go back into the atmosphere. Instead, mycelium forms a network under the soil that captures the carbon, even if the trees burn. This is important as we’re seeing unprecedented Heat Waves and Forest Fires. By putting our mycelium technology into the hands of everyday people we can turn lawns, flower beds and pots into carbon sinks. Each 3lb Home Grow Kit can offset around one ton of CO2 per year. The "Harvested” mycelium blocks form a symbiotic relationship with plants naturally increasing its ability to draw CO2 out of the atmosphere — where it is absorbed by, and remains in, the soil nearly indefinitely.

Technological Advancements

At Shroom Stop we understand engaging consumers is tough, especially when the benefits are invisible. We have developed a package that beautifully demonstrates our natural Carbon Cycle and allows consumers can interact with and have a product they can enjoy.

Carbon Sequestration and Capture is only one of many ambitious plans Shroom Stop Design and Applied Sciences has coming down the pipeline. We have found the “Holy Grail” of technology that can address numerous Environmental Issues and can’t wait to share how we can all help heal the world together.


Peeking at Food Waste


Behind the Shroom Stop Giveaway!